Monday, June 14, 2010

pick it up girl!

i have noticed that my blogging has seriously gone down hill... one of the things on my "life list" it so be faithful to a blog... and i really would like it to be this one. haha.

but seeing as how my internet has been on the fritz for like the past two weeks it's no wonder i haven't been exactly faithful with filling the world in on my thoughts and life .... okay... maybe not the world--i have only two followers (and i am deeply touched by you guys, thank you.)

i promise to be a better blogger. for several reasons.

1) i need to write, and this is a simple way to make me write
2) it's a way to organize my thoughts
3) there's this strange notion that possibly my life could be interesting enough to make a book about, or make a movie about, or have millions of followers reading me!!! (this is thanks to Julie & Julia... which i still have a hard time believing, by the way) this honestly will probably never happen, but hey --it could.

For encouragement on how to make your life beautiful and dynamic as any crazy awesome movie plot read Donald Miller's new book A Million Miles in a Thousand Years. it's great.

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