Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Surrey, what?

This is my latest book--Notes From a Small Island. Bill Bryson is quickly becoming one of my favorite authors. He is hilarious and quick to say what he thinks. He doesn't add a lot of fluff or randomness. His words are to the point, but well chosen.

This book is about his adventures traveling alone through England before moving back to the US. It's great because you see his experiences, the people that he comes in contact with, the rediculous circumstances he lets himself get in. Most England travel books talk a lot about details and destinations, but he talks about the small off the wall type places that he winds up in. I can buy a book about London anytime, but what about Bishops Itchington, Great Snoring, Felldownhead, Surrey Duck End, So. Yorks Killiecrankie, or Kilmahog. Now, these are the places I want to know about!

Pick it up or borrow it. I highly recommend it.

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